Croatia from above (National Geographic edition)

3.700 рсд

The photo-monograph “National Geographic – Croatia from Above” is Croatia’s first photo-monograph sponsored by National Geographic, the most prestigious global brand in photography.
Created during a seven-year exploration of Croatia from an aerial perspective, these photographs portray familiar natural and cultural attractions in a hitherto unseen way, and unveil new sites of value that had been lying hidden until now. The photographs have been beautifully arranged in a carefully planned layout in order to best showcase and celebrate Croatia’s great wealth and diversity. Each photograph is accompanied by a text describing the geographic, historic, economic, ecological, and cultural aspects of Croatia captured in that image. Collectively, they paint a unique portrait of Croatia, depicting its position in the broader context of space and time. The book is further enriched with texts written by Davor Rostuhar, author, photographer, and project leader, as well as with texts written by Hrvoje Prćić, Editor-in-Chief of National Geographic Croatia.

Jezik: Engleski
Objavljeno: 2014.
Autor: Davor Rostuhar
Format: 400 stranica, 32×24 cm, tvrdi povez



Dodatne informacije
Weight 3000 g

Komshe d.o.o.
Palmira Toljatija 4
11070 Novi Beograd

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Prodaja: +381 63 448 241

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